Glossary of Basic Firearm Terms

Glossary of Basic Firearm Terms

If you’re unfamiliar with guns or basic shooting terminology, you’re not alone! Many people are hesitant to test their aiming skills at a shooting range because they assume they’ll be surrounded by firearm aficionados. As the largest indoor shooting range in Las Vegas, we’re here to tell you that’s simply not the case. Our guests…

Which is More Effective- Shooting with One Eye Open or Two?

Which is More Effective- Shooting with One Eye Open or Two?

When new shooters learn to fire a gun, they usually start like most people do—closing one eye to aim while looking towards the target downrange. However, some experienced gun owners actually prefer to shoot with both eyes open. Why do they do this, and what’s the most effective approach? Here are the pros and cons…

10 Things to Avoid Doing at a Shooting Range
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10 Things to Avoid Doing at a Shooting Range

Shooting can be a fun hobby and a thrilling recreational experience, but a firearm in the hands of a negligent, disrespectful, or untrained person can be dangerous. Practicing your shooting technique at a firing range is essential to gaining the skills to be proficient with your sidearm, but you will always need to be careful…

Women Specific CCW: What You Need to Know About Protecting Yourself

Women Specific CCW: What You Need to Know About Protecting Yourself

Concerned individuals across the nation are completing concealed carry classes at an incredible rate – and women now represent a rapidly-growing segment of this population Some women walk their kids home from school each day, while others leave late-night shifts at their place of employment and head home under the glow of the streetlights. Others…

Our Current Favorite Concealed Carry Holsters

Our Current Favorite Concealed Carry Holsters

Now that you’ve taken the appropriate concealed carry training courses, you’ve received your actual permit, and you own a handgun you feel confident with – it’s time to put that training to use and begin carrying your defensive weapon. One step in the process that is often underplayed is the importance of selecting the right…

Five Steps to Help Improve Your Long-Range Accuracy

Five Steps to Help Improve Your Long-Range Accuracy

Whether you’re a newcomer to the world of shooting, a seasoned pro who likes to compete, or a hunter who wants to improve long range accuracy to better prepare for days in the field, understanding the fundamentals of accurate shooting applies to all. Being able to better place your shots means safer, more controlled shooting…

Best 5 Guns for Women

Best 5 Guns for Women

Let’s face it – shooting is a sport that is enjoyed by an ever-increasing number of women these days. The fact that gun ranges are home to a fairly balanced proportion of both sexes today is a testament to the accessibility of shooting as a sport, a relaxing pastime, and an effective crime-prevention and preparation…