Instructor Helping Someone Learn How To Shoot

Seven Fundamentals of Marksmanship

Becoming a great marksman isn’t complicated. That doesn’t mean it’s easy, however. If you want to become a better shooter, you must master the fundamentals of marksmanship. Learning how to properly handle a firearm will help you become a safer, more precise gun handler.  Here’s a look at the seven marksmanship fundamentals we teach at…

A Pistol From The Range 702.

10 Tips for First-Time Pistol Shooters

Going shooting for the first time can be both exciting and a little intimidating. However, remember, every great sharpshooter was once a first-time shooter. There’s nothing wrong with trying something new and getting out of your comfort zone. However, pistols are tools, and they must be respected at all times. That doesn’t mean you can’t…

Person Holstering A Firearm, Representing How To Get A Ccw In Nevada With Proper Training And Legal Requirements.
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How to Get a Concealed Carry Permit in Nevada

Adults, including non-residents, who are at least 21 years old, or 18 or older if on active military duty or honorably discharged, and who meet the requirements set forth in NRS 202.3653-202.369 are eligible to apply for a Nevada Concealed Firearms Permit (often referred to as a CCW Permit, Concealed Carry License, or Concealed Carry…


4 Common Handgun Malfunctions and How to Troubleshoot Them

Take a piece of equipment that contains moving parts, intricate components, extremely tight tolerances – then subject that equipment to a rapid series of 35,000 psi explosions. That is essentially what happens when a handgun shooter works their way through a magazine full of rounds. While today’s modern guns are incredibly reliable, made to exacting…

Nevada Hunting 101 Featured

Nevada Hunting 101: Guns, Fees, Timelines

Respecting the laws and regulations of Nevada’s big game hunting season is crucial. Follow along for a quick guide to Nevada’s hunting seasons. If you’re an experienced hunter or need to learn to shoot a gun, there’s vital information for everyone. What are the regulations on long rifles? The state of Nevada does not require…

Las Vegas Firing Range, Vegas Gun Shops, Shooting Range Las Vegas

How Muscle Memory Works in Firearms Training

It turns out there is truth and science behind the saying, “Practice makes perfect.” Even simple, everyday actions involve an intricate process of moving many different muscles to make it happen. However, we never really think about a lot of what we do, such as putting one foot in front of the other or reaching…

A Lady Shooting A M1911 Pistol
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Virtual Gun Ranges vs. Real Gun Ranges

A relatively prevalent debate is ongoing in regard to the pros and cons associated with virtual gun ranges versus real gun ranges. The best way to make a decision regarding the merits of a virtual versus a real-world gun range is to understand a few important factors about both types. There are a number of…

Las Vegas Shooting Range

What to Look for in Your Handgun Training Instructor or Facility

Once you’ve decided to start handgun training classes, you’ll need to look for a reputable instructor and a facility where you feel safe and comfortable. But what are the essential qualifications you should be looking for in your instructor? How do you know you’re choosing the right person? When seeking the professional guidance of a…

A Lady Shooting A M1911 Pistol

Women Specific CCW: What You Need to Know About Protecting Yourself

Some women walk their kids home from school each day, while others leave late-night shifts at their workplace and head home under the glow of the streetlights. Others are avid about the outdoors, while still others are acutely conscious of their role as head of household and protector of the family. Regardless of each woman’s…