
Most Famous American Snipers in History

Throughout history, the sharpshooter – also commonly known as a sniper, has served a crucial role in securing battlefields, neutralizing enemy threats, and providing medium range cover for advancing troops. Hollywood will have you think that the singular role of the military sniper is to “pick off” enemy combatants indiscriminately, with images of snipers tracking…

Competitive Sports

Marksmanship’s Place in Competitive Sports

In the world of competitive sports, nearly as much interest is generated around the training disciplines and preparatory methods of the sport as there is with the resulting “wins” and “losses.” While some sporting competitions are more grueling than others, there is no arguing the fact that any competitor who wants to emerge as a…


Best 5 Guns for Women

Let’s face it – shooting is a sport that is enjoyed by an ever-increasing number of women these days. The fact that gun ranges are home to a fairly balanced proportion of both sexes today is a testament to the accessibility of shooting as a sport, a relaxing pastime, and an effective crime-prevention and preparation…

Couple Standing In Front Of Rock Wall Before Rock Climbing

9 Unique Date Ideas for an Active Couple

Active couples are no longer content with just going out to the movies and sharing buckets of popcorn; they’re seeking more than that. They want unique experiences, activities, and active date ideas! Look no further if you’re striving to find exciting date ideas that will get your heart racing! We’ve put together a list of…