a lady shooting a m1911 pistol

Women Specific CCW: What You Need to Know About Protecting Yourself

a person talking on a cell phone

Some women walk their kids home from school each day, while others leave late-night shifts at their

Kris Chanski, Chief Operating Officer at The Range 702 and renowned gun enthusiast and gun training advocate

workplace and head home under the glow of the streetlights. Others are avid about the outdoors, while still others are acutely conscious of their role as head of household and protector of the family.

Regardless of each woman’s particular mission, one thing is certain—the ability to defend oneself against dangerous threats is an important skill to obtain, and a concealed carry permit (CCW) can be a lifesaver. If you’re a woman who is ready to take charge of protecting yourself and your loved ones, you should consider obtaining a CCW permit.

Here’s what you need to know from the CCW experts at The Range 702.

Each State Has Its Own CCW Laws and Requirements

First, each state puts forth unique requirements that must be satisfied prior to carrying a concealed handgun. Some states, like Alaska, do not require a permit to carry a handgun. In contrast, others (we’re talking about you, California) make it incredibly difficult, though not impossible, to obtain a permit. The first step is determining what your state requirements are regarding CCW.

If you’re wondering how to get a concealed carry permit in Nevada, these are the basic requirements:

  • You must be at least 21 years old, or 18 if in the US military
  • You have not been legally prohibited from owning a firearm
  • You have completed a firearm safety course and can present documentation

Meeting these qualifications is necessary to obtain a CCW permit in Nevada. For those in other states, requirements may be similar, and many states do not require a permit to carry a concealed firearm. Check your local state, county and city laws before carrying without a permit.

Select Your Handgun

Once you understand the unique permitting requirements of your state or municipality, it is time to select a handgun as your primary carry weapon. The easiest way to do this is to visit your local shooting range and sample as many guns as possible before committing to your choice. Selecting a carry gun is a personal choice, and you’ll want to make sure that it fits your hand, carries comfortably in your chosen holster, and you can shoot it easily.

There are dozens of great choices when it comes to choosing a “daily carry” pistol, we’ve created a list of our top 10 CCW pistols for women as a place to start when narrowing down your options.

These pistols are generally lightweight, have terrific balance, are easy to handle and are reasonably priced—all things that may influence your decision.

Take a Professional Concealed Carry Training Course

Next, you’ll want to complete a professional concealed carry class. Women’s only classes are available and are a great way to learn the rules and regulations of concealed carry for women while in the company of like-minded people. Keep in mind that these classes aren’t designed to instruct you on proper shooting techniques or basic gun handling.

You should know that before you sign up. If you need training on the basics, consider taking a 1:1 firearms training class before registering for your CCW session.

Shooting instructor helping customer
Instructor helping customer in shooting gallery with gun on foreground

A CCW class for women will help you learn to shoot from your holster, shoot from the hip, shoot on the move and possibly engaging multiple targets with other women looking to protect themselves. The main goal is to give you the tools to feel confident with your firearm and using it in any situation you may need protection. Once you pass this course, you’re one step closer to carrying a concealed weapon in Nevada.

Obtain Your CCW Permit

Finally, complete the permitting requirements for your state and obtain your permit. Once you do, you can legally carry your handgun, according to the unique laws in your location. That means you’ll be better prepared to handle any direct threats against you or your loved ones.

In Las Vegas, you can expect to pay anywhere from $100-150 for the CCW class, another $96.25 with Clark Country and Federal permit processing fees for first-time carriers, and $61.25 for renewal, plus the cost of your gun.

Once you have your Nevada CCW permit in hand, you’ll be able to legally carry in 33 states as of November, 2023. We’ve put together a full list of states which recognize Nevada CCW permits for your convenience.

The process itself can take up to 120 days, so don’t expect to get your CCW permit right away.

Best Ways to Conceal Carry for Women

a woman holding a handgun

More than ever before, women are choosing to conceal carry to protect themselves and their families. However, women face unique challenges when it comes to carrying a handgun, including considerations for wardrobe, how to safely carry a pistol in a purse or handbag, and finding a holster that isn’t bulky or obvious.

The important thing to remember is that you should always be in control of your firearm and be able to get to it quickly and easily should the need arise. Several companies are now coming out with firearm accessories and products designed with women in mind. These include concealment shorts and leggings, corset holsters and belly bands, discreet ankle holsters and garter holsters. How you will carry your firearms is something to consider before purchasing your pistol.

Take Control of Your Safety

If you’re a woman wanting to improve your self-defense skills, learning how to get a CCW (concealed carry weapon) permit is an empowering decision if personal safety is a priority for you.

“I spent my life thinking that if I lived in a nice neighborhood and minded my business I wouldn’t need a gun to protect me and my family.  I was wrong.  After being attacked and almost unable to save myself, I purchased my first firearm and have spent years training.  My goal now is to bring this message to women everywhere- Don’t wait until it’s too late.  Protect and educate yourself and your family now!”

Kris Chanski, Chief Operating Officer at The Range 702

Visit our class page, call our team of CCW trainers for more information on our available classes, or simply come by The Range 702 in Las Vegas. You’ll discover a premier shooting range in the heart of the city where you can practice your accuracy, speed and handling skills.

Check out our gun vault and exclusive shooting experiences if you’re looking for a thrilling shooting experience in Las Vegas.

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